Author: Angelique Jurd

But first coffee…

No, I’m not going to ask you to believe my desk is this aesthetically pleasing – hell, it’s not even this tidy – but it’s nice to tell myself that one day it might be… The word of the day/week/month at the moment for me is catch up. Being unwell has left me in puddle I’m still trying to paddle my way out of. There are thirteen weeks until thesis submission, around six until the…
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March 21, 2021 0

From my desk to yours, March 21 2021

It’s a sunny but somewhat cold morning here on the south-east coast of Auckland and coffee is not just sponsoring the good mood today. I’m also updating the website, working on two WiPs, and pretending there are more than 13 weeks until I have to submit my thesis. So with no further ado, let’s get started: ​

March 21, 2021 1

Expensive by Amy Bellows

Okay, full disclosure – I know Amy Bellows. Sort of. Amy and I know each other  in that way that writers who live on opposite sides of the world and have connected online know each other and I’m a fan. I love her shifter stories – in particular her penguins – and I love dragons so I figured Expensive was going to be good.  Every now and then as a writer you read something that…
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November 21, 2020 0

Wilted flowers and lazy afternoon hours….

Almost anyone who knows me well has heard my story about the first time I heard Springsteen. I was 12 and we lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere and too far from anywhere for a kid to do anything at the weekend except listen to the radio and read. We didn’t have a T.V. so once my chores were done and homework was taken care of, those were my two favorite pastimes:…
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December 4, 2019 0