You Can Do Magic by R.L. Merrill

You Can Do Magic by R.L. Merrill

October 5, 2023 Book Reviews 1

As part of the blog tour I was lucky enough to receive an ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of R.L. Merrill’s You Can Do Magic. There’s a little something for everyone in this book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

The book is part of the multi-author Carnival of Mysteries Series. Now don’t worry, you don’t have to have read the rest of the series for this one to make sense – but what’s the fun in that? I will be going back and doing exactly that (just as soon as I’ve … you know… finished writing San Cap 9. And Tennessee Whiskey…)Anyhoo…. in this installment you’ll meet Kallos and Ryan. Scarred, silent, and amnesiac Kallos plays calliope at the carnival until he is sent out on his own to try and find … for want of a better explanation…himself.

Troubled rock singer Ryan is dragging a past that gets heavier every day.

When the two meet – the magic starts.

I don’t want to give away anything important but as we know I’m a sucker for some hurt/comfort angst so I loved the relationship between the two men – and found the writing lovely. The story flowed and there was enough mystery and a few surprise moments kept me engaged beyond the immediate romantic storyline.

There’s something for everyone in this book: there’s music, there’s magic, there’s emotion, and of course there is love with a satisfying if somewhat open ended HFN. Hopefully this means we will see more from the pair in the future.

 Buy Your Copy Here


One Response

  1. Ro says:

    Thank you so much!!!

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