But first coffee…
No, I’m not going to ask you to believe my desk is this aesthetically pleasing – hell, it’s not even this tidy – but it’s nice to tell myself that one day it might be…
The word of the day/week/month at the moment for me is catch up. Being unwell has left me in puddle I’m still trying to paddle my way out of. There are thirteen weeks until thesis submission, around six until the release of Pet Me (The Toye Shoppe Book 1) and um …. too few days until I’m supposed to put out another Grove story. Excuse me while I count hours on my fingers and do some mental gymnastics as I try to figure out how to fit everything in, and more importantly how I got myself in this mess. Again.
I’ve decided to start ‘archiving’ – okay copying – the newsletter to the blog for those folks who hate newsletter or are new to my work and aren’t sure if they want to get the newsletter yet. You can find the latest issue here: From my desk to yours, March 21 2021
But I thought that on Sundays – while I work up to daily posts that are a wee bit more interesting – I’d catch you up with what’s happening in my world.
Fiction Update
The Toye Shoppe is a brand new, five book series set in a sex toy shop. After buying the shop with his friend and business partner Karsyn, Sam has discovered it comes with a cringeworthy name – the Pleasure Palace – and a rag tag group of regulars. Over the course of the series you’ll meet everyone as friendships are formed and love blooms while the group comes together to transform Pleasure Palace into The Toye Shoppe – a place that is more than just a place to buy a new vibrator but a safe haven for the LGBTQIA+ community.
This series does have a higher steam factor than most of my books and does contain a variety of kinks. If that doesn’t appeal to you, don’t worry – I will have some new ‘sweet with heat’ stories out later in the year.
The Toye Shoppe has been in the works for a long time and I’ve waited until I could be sure to do it justice. Part of doing it justice is researching the kinks that are involved so that I not only write them correctly and respectfully, but so that I can capture the emotions around them. I am going to be forever grateful and indebted to the people who have agreed to speak to me about something so private and personal.
Depending on the success of The Toye Shoppe, by mid May I should be able to announce the second new series I have planned for the second half of the year. At this stage I don’t have any plans for a stand alone romance this year – but that may change. Stay tuned…
Weddings & Wishes (Storybook Novellas – Book 5)
Edelweiss Grove is in wedding mode! Grand Holder Rorik the Red (aka Santa) and Boden have decided to get married. What’s more, they see no reason to delay and want it to happen… now. When Rorik hires a wedding planner – an Elf named Frederick – only to discover that Boden has also hired a wedding planner – Valentino, a Water Nymph – neither of them realise just what they’ve done.
Frederick and Valentino used to be business partners… and lovers. At least they were until Valentino broke Frederick’s heart by bowing to family pressure and marrying the Water Nymph his mother considered a more appropriate match. Now they have to work together on the most important wedding the Grove has seen in a long time.
What could possibly go wrong?
Approx Release: March 2021 (TBC)
Peaceful Seas (The San Capistrano Series – Book 8)
Yes, Alex and Ben return. In the aftermath of the fire that destroyed their home, there’s a lot happening. As they rebuilding their home and welcomea new family member, they also have to face the typical day to day challenges, both good and bad, of family life. Jamie is graduating and will soon start college but still needs his Dads to help face some difficult decisions. Ally will soon turn ten and Ben is not at all sure he’s ready to face life with a tween. Lucy, unsettled by the fire, seeks reassurance in any way she can. Meanwhile Alex is juggling work, the new baby, house building, and his own emotions in the wake of what has happened. Some days he thinks it’s just seconds away from falling down around them. Who is the man standing on the doorstep of their new home and why does he seem so familiar?
Approx Release: April 2021 (TBC)
Pet Me (The Toy Shoppe Book 1)
Bailey Richards (25) is painfully shy and very lonely. He grew up poor and has been on his own since his parents were killed in a car accident when he was in his late teens. Aside from his job as a waiter in a diner and helping out his elderly landlord, Bailey doesn’t get out much. His one extravagance is the phone he saved up and bought – he sometimes goes hungry in order to pay his account. The phone lets him connect to the internet. The internet helped him figure out what he really wanted. Then he found a nearby store that had some. He has to save up for one, just like he did with his phone, so once or twice a week he calls in – just to be sure they still have it.
Sam Thurston (49) has given up construction for retail. To be precise, a sex toy shop. A struggling sex toy shop with a name he wants to get rid of and a colorful group of regulars. Including the beautiful young man with long blond hair and an obsession with a … tail.
Pet Me features an age-gap, hurt/comfort, and a young man with a very distinctive kink.
Approx Release: May 2021 (TBC)
Currently first and foremost on my list is my MA thesis on the significance of queering Dean Winchester (from TV’s Supernatural) in fan fiction and commercial MM Romance fiction. Pandemic life and wobbly health and all the usual things have made it more challenging than I ever expected it would be but I’m getting there. I’m very blessed to have some awesome cheerleaders in my corner which really does help. Thank you Angie, May, Kate, Joelle, Dennis, Penny, Lauren, Tom, the MM DreaMMer gals, and my so very patient supervisor Kevin.
Once the thesis has been submitted, and while I wait to find out if I have a high enough grade to apply for PhD, I hope to do some more non-fiction work. Whether this will take the form of some freelance articles or possibly something longer and indie-published, I don’t yet know. I still very much want to write about Bruce Springsteen’s work and the way in which he has documented and presented post-modern America through his music. I’d also like to write some more about the Wincesters and their place in modern genre media. For now, let’s see what the thesis submission brings us.
Personal Life
As readers who are in the Cocktails and Denim reader group know, I hit 2021 with some health issues. Those issues are ongoing but manageable and no longer life threatening. I deal with them day to day and some days I do better than others. To all the people who have sent me well wishes, prayer, good vibes (I’m sure there’s a joke here….), and have just generally encouraged and supported me – I can’t say thank you enough.
On May 1, the First Born Kiddo (28) is getting married. Exciting as this is, it means I have to go shopping for clothes – something I truly loathe doing. It’s a good thing I love him….
I’ve been doing a lot of crochet lately as a way to step away from my keyboard. I sit and watch Supernatural, X-Files, Bones, and the long list of movies I’ve been meaning to catch up on and work on the latest project. Don’t hesitate to ping me in the comments, on FB or on email to share your own crafting adventures.

Almost completed blanket for Ms 20
See you next Sunday.