Category: Book Reviews

Magic & Mayhem (Blue Ridge Magic Book 1) MA Innes

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Shaw Montomery and their alter-ego MA Innes. What I am not such a huge fan of is shifter romances – absolutely no shade to those who do love the sub-genre, it’s just not generally my thing. There are a few notable exceptions, namely Amy Bellows’ penguins, polar bears, foxes, and of course her fabulous Expensive, not to mention Drea Roman’s The Selkie’s Coat. I am…
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November 6, 2023 0

You Can Do Magic by R.L. Merrill

As part of the blog tour I was lucky enough to receive an ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of R.L. Merrill’s You Can Do Magic. There’s a little something for everyone in this book and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The book is part of the multi-author Carnival of Mysteries Series. Now don’t worry, you don’t have to have read the rest of the series for this one to make sense – but what’s the fun in…
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October 5, 2023 1

Bashful (Love and Secrets Book 1) by M.A. Innes

The other day, while drinking coffee, I was thinking that writing is a lot like exercise. If you get out of shape you have to rebuild muscle and fitness in order to get back to the level you’d previously been at. I am currently trying to get in shape – well get fit – so I’m hitting the treadmill, the yoga mat, and a few free weights here and there. I’ve also let my writing…
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July 15, 2023 0

Expensive by Amy Bellows

Okay, full disclosure – I know Amy Bellows. Sort of. Amy and I know each other  in that way that writers who live on opposite sides of the world and have connected online know each other and I’m a fan. I love her shifter stories – in particular her penguins – and I love dragons so I figured Expensive was going to be good.  Every now and then as a writer you read something that…
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November 21, 2020 0